We're in a shortage of Tibia Coins!
We have increased our payouts for tibia coins sold to us by +20% in the hope that we'll be able to stock up better!
If you wish to buy Tibia Coins, please bear with us as we try to restock our service!
A website by Core-Series
Account Policy
When creating an account, the email used must match with the payment-sources user email.
If an account is created but not used it will be deleted after 24 hours.
If an account has been used but no purchases made, it will be deleted after 7 days.
If an account has been used, and has history of any purchase, the account will remain intact for as long Coins-Core exist.
An account can be deleted by the verified user upon request.

When creating an account, the email of the account will be used to send emails such as notifications on completed payments and delivery completion.

We reserve the right to modify, block or remove your account.
Purchase Policy
Payments are only accepted from verified email addresses which can be seen in the account.
In case a payment comes from a new source, the email address of that source will be added to the account and wait for user's verification via a link provided in the email.
Only after verification has been completed, is the payment recognized and ready to be processed.
Each new added source, will obtain a verification code to the inbox of the email automatically.

If the new email isn't verified shortly, the purchase will be canceled and money refunded.

We reserve the right to withhold money from obviously modified payments there the order and final payment differs to such an extent that it's classed as a "hacking attempt".

All purchases are final, once a payment has been done there's no way to reclaim money spent.
If you typed in wrong delivery information, nothing can be done after the delivery of the purchase.

In case payment errors, we'll gladly help you sort out the problem causing it.
In case a payment has been completed, but the order not registered for delivery, upon contact we will remove the order and refund the money so that you as user can chose if you want to try again or keep the money.

We will never sell anything out of stock!
If you can pay for products, they're reserved for you until delivery!
Sell Policy
We take no responsibility for tibia coins sent astray due to error from the seller when sending the tibia coins to Coins-Core.
Payment for sold tibia coins will be sent to the chosen and verified PayPal of the seller within 24 hours after tibia coins have been sent to Coins-Core.

We also take no responsibility if a payment is sent to the wrong PayPal as a result of seller making mistakes.
Delivery Policy
Majority of our deliveries are made within 1 - 10 minutes.
However a delivery could take anything from a minute up to 24 hours.
We strive that no deliver should take longer than 10 hours!

For security reasons, all deliveries are made manually.
The only way to automate the delivery is by using systems that would classify as cheating in Tibia and put the deliveries at huge risk.
For this reason, we hope you have understanding that deliveries might take little time.

Staff are notified about accepted payments within seconds by personal phone, so they can make the delivery as fast as possible.

All tibia coins delivered are transferable, so you never have to worry about your coins being limited to the account!
Privacy Policy
We take your privacy with highest respect.
No information we might gathered from you directly or indirectly will be shared to any third-party sources.
This includes names of characters received the purchases.
Policy Changes
We reserve the right to modify the terms and policies at any time without notice.
By using this website you're agreeing to the current terms and conditions.